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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Everyday In May

So I'm doing this little challenge this month which I thought would be perfect for bringing me out of my creative/motivational slump.  The challenge is...

And if you don't think this is much of a challenge, let me tell you, it is!!
It's hard to find the time for blogging when you have your whole life going on around you.
Don't get me wrong, I love this here blog.
But it can be time consuming and sometimes even if I have the time, I just want to relax. 
I think this challenge may be the perfect chance for me to get my butt in gear and start blogging more.
Because I WANT to blog more.

So for each day in May there's a topic that we are supposed to write about.  I plan on posting about each topic and then doing my regular posts on top of it.  So it's A LOT.  But I think it will be awesome. The list is as follows...  

Day 1, Wednesday: The story of your life in 250 words or less (or one paragraph... no one will be counting your words... probably) 
Day 2, Thursday: Educate us on something you know a lot about or are good at. Take any approach you'd like (serious and educational or funny and sarcastic) 
Day 3, Friday: Things that make you uncomfortable 
Day 4, Saturday: Favorite quote (from a person, from a book, etc) and why you love it 
Day 5, Sunday: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them? If you don't have blogger friends, talk about a real-life friend or even a family member 
Day 6, Monday: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do'? 
Day 7, Tuesday: The thing(s) you're most afraid of 
Day 8, Wednesday: A piece of advice you have for others. Anything at all. 
Day 9, Thursday: A moment in your day (this can be just a photo or both a photo and words) 
Day 10, Friday: Most embarrassing moment (s). Spill.  
Day 11, Saturday: Sell yourself in 10 words or less 
Day 12, Sunday: What do you miss? (a person, a thing, a place, a time of your life...) 
Day 13, Monday: Issue a public apology. This can be as funny or as serious or as creative as you want it to be. 
Day 14, Tuesday: Ten things that make you really happy 
Day 15, Wednesday: A Day in the life (include photos from throughout your typical day - this could be "a photo an hour" if you'd like) 
Day 16, Thursday: Something difficult about your "lot in life" and how you're working to overcome it 
Day 17, Friday: A favorite photo of yourself and why 
Day 18, Saturday: Tell a story from your childhood. Dig deep and try to be descriptive about what you remember and how you felt. 
Day 19, Sunday: Five of your favorite blogs and what you love about them 
Day 20, Monday: Get real. Share something you're struggling with right now. 
Day 21, Tuesday: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives 
Day 22, Wednesday: Rant about something. Get up on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel. (a pet peeve, a current event, a controversial topic, something your husband or roommate or neighbor or boss does that really ticks you off) 
Day 23, Thursday: Things you've learned that school won't teach you 
Day 24, Friday: Your top 3 worst traits 
Day 25, Saturday: Something someone told you about yourself that you'll never forget (good or bad) 
Day 26, Sunday: Something you read online. Leave a link and discuss, if you'd like. 
Day 27, Monday: A letter to your readers 
Day 28, Tuesday: Only pictures 
Day 29, Wednesday: Five songs or pieces of music that speak to you or bring back memories. Use Grooveshark or YouTube to include them in the post 
Day 30, Thursday: React to this term: Letting Go 
Day 31, Friday: A vivid memory

Seeing as how today is Day 1, Wednesday, May 1 I am going to be writing about my life in 250 words.  
If you know me, have ever read my blog or have ever suffered through reading one of my papers for school (my poor husband) you know that I can't say anything in 250 words.  Not in writing anyway.  If you're talking to me you'll probably be lucky to get 250 words out of me.

But I'm gonna try my best.
Here goes....

I was born on December 30th and raised in Sandy Hook, CT - better known as Newtown. I have an older sister who is one of my best friends and my family is extremely close.  I consider my mother one of my best friends too.  I went through high school as a regular old kid and went off to college with my best friends from Newtown.  Needless to say, we had a blast. In my junior year I met this really awesome guy and fell head over heels for him in a matter of weeks.  He was a freshman and we spent two long years doing the long distance thing when I graduated.  We've been through a lot as a couple but we've never been stronger.  We got married last October and now live with our two crazy puppies, Sirius and Orion who we love as if they were actual children.  I love all kinds of stuff like DIY, reading, hiking, gardening oh, and of course, blogging!

BAM! Look at that.  167 words and done.  I could have kept going for three more sentences if I wanted to but I guess my life isn't that exciting.

Tomorrows topic will be - Educate us on something you know a lot about or are good at. Take any approach you'd like (serious and educational or funny and sarcastic)
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  1. I was right around the same number of words :)

  2. Hahaha. Awesome! This is so cool!
    Good luck with it! It will prob. be easy to do since there is a topic for everyday of the month.
    I need this. Coming up with topics is tough stuff sometimes.
    Inspiration doesn't always come easy.. that is for sure! =)

  3. Ohh... anddd I forgot to say.. I can't get enough of your blog design. Purple is my favorite color and I just think it's so freakin cute!
