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Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday letters.

Man, has it been a long week.  Does everyone else feel that way, too or is it just me?! 
I have had soooo much going on this week and yet, when I look back I can't remember anything truly significant that happened.  Although I did make two new blogging buddies through the Cara Box gift exchange.

Shout out to Sherri at 99 Shadows and Stephanie at Just A Little Bit Louder. You guys should all check out their blogs if you get a sec because they are both awesome people.

Anyway, Friday means that it's also the weekend and I have some pretty awesome stuff going on! So here are my Friday letters this week.

Dear Winter Storm/Nor' Easter Saturn, you call yourself a winter storm?! So far I am unimpressed. You have 24 hours to redeem yourself.  Ready, go.  Dear CMTs, you really make the month of March a very long month for both teachers and kids.  I'm not sure I'll ever forgive you for that. Dear Sandy Hook Run For The Families Team Members (a.k.a. Team 06482 Family), I'm so happy we're all doing this walk together. Thank you all for joining up!! It's going to be a super fun day!!! Dear Stowe, the Hittenmak's will be invading your beautiful ski town this weekend to swim in your 90 degree heated pool, relax in your hot tubs, ski on the slopes (even if you charge OUTRAGEOUS prices for a lift ticket) and to have a freaking awesome weekend.  Watch out!

Happy weekending everyone!!

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1 comment:

  1. Aw, sweet! I'm sorry I didn't comment earlier...been having a rough couple of weeks:\
